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Patrik Zoller

Patrik ZollerAge Group athlete

Athlete information

Date of birth
Favorite discipline
Favorite Race
IM 70.3 Zell/See

What do you like most about the sport?

Especially in triathlon it is the versatility that makes everything so varied. It is for me the perfect balance next to my sometimes very demanding job. The connection with nature and especially the pushing of personal limits.

Which result are you particularly proud of?

Challenge Kaiserwinkel – Walchsee 2022 Middle Distance

What do you do besides sport (job, family, ...)?

I work in an intensive care unit in a hospital. This often very demanding job requires everything from you, which makes me very happy to gain my balance in triathlon. One thing is clear, first comes family life and then everything else.

How do you manage to balance family, work and sport?

I have to be very flexible with my working hours, so it doesn't matter if it's family, work or sports, I train when it suits me. In addition, my partner is very insightful about sports and supports me in all areas.

Describe yourself in 4 words?

zielstrebig, ehrgeizig, hilfsbereit, humorvoll

Your life motto?

If you can conceive it and you can believe it, then you can achieve it.